About the IHS
The Indianapolis Hosta Society, Inc., is a not-for-profit organization of hosta gardeners dedicated to stimulating the knowledge and love of the genus Hosta.
The Indianapolis Hosta Society was incorporated in the State of Indiana on July 9, 1998. The Indianapolis Hosta Society qualified provisionally as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in 1999.
Life Member of the American Hosta Society & Affiliate of the Great Lakes Region
Our 2024 Officers are:
PRESIDENT: Lana Gersich, pres@indianapolishostasociety.org
VP PROGRAMS: Glenn Jable, programs@indianapolishostasociety.org
VP PROJECTS: Amy Anderson, projects@indianapolishostasociety.org
CORRESPONDING SEC: Kathy Schmitt, csec@indianapolishostasociety.org
RECORDING SECRETARY: Janet Klien, rsec@indianapolishostasociety.org
COMMUNICATIONS: Karen Kennedy, comm@indianapolishostasociety.org
TREASURER: Tony Benner, tres@indianapolishostasociety.org
MEMBERSHIP: Rita Kerner, memb@indianapolishostasociety.org
HOSPITALITY: Janet Shultz, hosp@indianapolishostasociety.org
Membership is open to all who support the mission of the society. Benefits of membership in the IHS include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Eight educational meetings with both local and nationally recognized speakers.
- Great Lakes Region Hosta College discount.
- A Spring plant sale.
- Summer garden tours.
- Weekend coach trip. (fee associated)
- Holiday social gathering.
- Unique community project.
Our group meets generally on the second Monday of each month, March through December. Check the Events page for the location and time of each meeting. Meetings consist of a business session, followed by a speaker or presentation to update our members on timely gardening information. In May we usually hold a fundraising plant sale and during the summer months we tour gardens of interest. Watch the Events page for the most up-to-date information.
Membership Dues
Individual: $25 per calendar year
Household: $30 per calendar year
Join today! Dues are paid for the calendar year (Jan. 1, through Dec. 31), but you may join at any time of the year. Download an IHS Membership Form and follow the mailing instructions at the bottom of the form, or fill out the online form and submit with your payment.
The IHS is eligible to receive contributions that are potentially tax-deductible to the donors. Individuals making donations should consult their tax advisors.
We welcome and greatly appreciate your support. You can make your donation online.